麥卡倫 Estate
容量:70 cl
麥卡倫 Estate 是釀酒師獻給麥卡倫傳統與家園的頌禮。 這是一款極為特別的單一麥芽威士忌,來自 Easter Elchies 莊園裡自種大麥所精釀而成。精心設計的麥卡倫 Estate 的禮盒,以手工切割石板向麥卡倫家園周遭的蘇格蘭景緻致敬。盒內的空拍照片呈現出美麗的斯佩河畔與莊園中的大麥田。
The Macallan Estate
Abv: 43%
Volume: 70 cl
The Macallan Estate is an intriguing expression that contains spirit distilled from barley grown on Macallan's very own Easter Elchies estate. Hence the name. Growing on the banks of the River Spey, this barley is only distilled over the course of one week each year. It's a pleasingly well-sherried dram, and comes handsomely presented in box which has an inlay of slate, representing the Scottish landscape that the distillery calls home.
Nose: Warm, comforting and homely notes of cinnamon. Wood spice and orange, opening into dried fruits with a sweet lemon, banana and caramel.
Palate: Soft and warming with wood spice, opening into a dry oak flavour spiked with candied raisin and fresh fig. Moving into a sweet fresh orange and delicate fresh citrus.
Finish: A sweet citrus twist.
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