Teaninich 19yo 1999/2019 花宴 by The Whiskyfind #302866
Abv: 56.9%
Volume: 70 cl
At the Kyoto Whisky Party held in April every year, a barrel of whisky with colorful and delicate floral and fruit flavors is selected to entertain drinkers from all over the world. The whisky selected in 2019 is from a Highland (Scotch) distillery called Teaninich Distillery. It was distilled in 1999 and then bottled by The Whiskyfind in 2019. Only 175 bottles were produced. The term "花宴" comes from the Tale of Genji. At that time, the capital of Japan was in Kyoto, and the Emperor held a cherry blossom banquet to invite the nobles and princes to participate, to experience the beauty of cherry blossoms with five senses. This bottle also lives up to its reputation, as the nosing of various flowers and vanilla plants; the palate of juicy supplemented by the slight soil and waxy, which makes you feel like you are in a garden in early spring .
Nose: Strong nectar, light white floral fragrance and fresh vanilla plants bring out the feeling of spring garden, followed by vanilla, butter cake and light peat.
Palate: Elegant floral and sweet fruit at first, followed by vanilla ice cream, lemonade, light peat and waxiness.
Finish: Medium to long, with a refreshing sensation of mint and juice.
提安尼涅克 19年 1999/2019 花宴 威士忌坊裝瓶 #302866
酒精濃度:56.9%容量:70 cl
每年四月舉行的京都威士忌酒展(Kyoto Whisky Party)都會挑選一桶具有繽紛細緻花果氣息的威士忌,以招待來自各地的酒客。2019年選出的是來自蘇格蘭高地區的提安尼涅克酒廠(Teaninich Distillery),於1999年蒸餾,然後在2019年被威士忌坊(The Whiskyfind)裝瓶,僅生產175瓶的【花宴】。【花宴】一詞來自源氏物語,當時日本首都位於京都,天皇舉辦櫻花宴邀請王公貴族參加,以五感來體驗櫻花的美好。這瓶威士忌並沒有辜負這個美名,各種鮮花與香草植物的香氣,入口則是滿滿的果汁感,輔以微微的土壤與蠟質的氣息,令人有彷彿置身於初春的花園中的感覺。
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