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Teaninich 10yo Flora and Fauna

Abv: 43%

Volume: 70 cl


A rare 10 year old from the Eastern Highland distillery, Teaninich. The Flora and Fauna series are becoming increasingly rare.


Nose: quite frgrant with fruit and a greenness. Notes of cut hay and chamomile, hints of wood resins and potpourri with a little winter spice and a gentle citric acidity. 


Palate: medium-body with a pleasant dryness. There are notes of barley sugars and cereal notes. There are some oily herbal notes with more of that citric acidity developing with a hint of espresso.


Finish: quite dry and of medium-length with its gentle cut grasses.




提安尼涅克 10年 Flora and Fauna

容量:70 cl

來自東部高地釀酒廠 提安尼涅克 的罕見 10 年裝瓶。 Flora and Fauna系列現在的能見度都變得稀有了。


鼻子:非常芬芳的水果和青草。 乾草和洋甘菊的味道,木質樹脂和百花香的味道,帶有一點冬季香料和溫和的檸檬酸。


口感:中等酒體,乾爽宜人。 有大麥糖和穀物的味道。 有一些油性草藥味,其中更多的檸檬酸味伴隨著濃咖啡的味道而發展。



Teaninich 10yo Flora and Fauna


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