Benriach 23yo 1997/2020 Sherry Butt The Whiskey Agency
Abv: 50.7%
Volume: 70 cl
This Benriach was distilled in 1997. After 23 years of maturarion in a Sherry Butt, the Whisky Agency finally bottled this in cask strength for 2020 Winter Release.
班瑞克 23年 1997/2020 雪莉桶 The Whisky Agency
容量:70 cl
這款班瑞克威士忌於1997年進行蒸餾,在雪莉桶中經過23年的熟成,最終由 The Whisky Agency 以原酒強度將其裝瓶,用於2020年冬季發布。
Benriach 23yo 1997/2020 Sherry Butt The Whiskey Agency